Aganix Du Seigneur Z

Stallion Name: Aganix Du Seigneur Z
Year: 2006
Pedigree: Ogano Sitte x Chellano Z
Approvals: SBS

Aganix du Seigneur Z is omnipresent. In recent years this stallion has developed into the most popular stallion in Europe and that is all due to his unbelievable siring qualities. Not a single stud stallion anywhere in the world has loosened more tongues in the insider world than Aganix du Seigneur Z. His offspring pop up all over the place and they invariably prove to have the same characteristics. They catch the eye and daze everybody with their extraordinary jumping qualities and capacity! ‘Aganix is one in a million’, says Luc Henry, the man who discovered him. His former rider Jos Lansink recognized the Olympic material in Aganix du Seigneur Z: ‘In my career I have ridden a vast number of good horses, but Aganix features very high on my list. He had super capacity and was extremely careful, truly allergic to the wood!’ In spite of their relatively young age, a dozen or so of them already jump at 1.60m level. Agana van het Gerendal Z won the World Cup in Las Vegas, Akarad Hero Z is successful under Pieter Clemens and Ayade Hero Z won at top level under Spencer Smith! Because we’re so convinced of the genetic value of Aganix du Seigneur Z we make three of his sons available for breeding at Stud farm Zangersheide: Allroad ZAnsingh de Lis Z and Astronomic vh Legitahof Z.

Aganix Du Seigneur Z
Ogano Sitte Darco Lugano Van La Roche
Ialta Sitte Avontuur
Insel Sitte
Cadix Du Seigneur Z Chellano Z Contender
Atlanta Sitte Arams De La Cense
Insel Sitte